Range of Services
- Prenatal care including ultrasound.
- Specialised ultrasound care during pregnancy:
- First-Trimester-Screening (FTS)
- Obstetric ultrasonogaphy during 20th week of pregnancy
(See specialized regulation: → http://www.kbv.de/html/ultraschall.php)
- Early stage cancer screening tests
- Follow up cancer care, including Management Program Breast cancer (DMP)
- Advice about all contraception methods
- Information about and prescription of the pill
- Insertion of copper coil (IUD = intrauterine device) – Enclosing copper chain (Gynefix) and intrauterine Ball (IUB)
- Insertion of IUD (intrauterine device) with progestogen (Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess)
- Insertion of Implanon
- Fitting of the diaphragm
- Natural contraception
- Treatment of all gynaecological afflictions
- Help with complaints like: Pain, discharge, menstrual issues (e.g. premenstrual syndrome)
- Menopause consolation
- Classical homeopathy ( → www.welt-der-homoeopathie.de)
→ IGeL-Leistungen (Individual Medical Care)