Site notice
According to § 5 tmg
Dr. med. Susanne Bässler-Weber
Lameystreet 7
76185 Karlsruhe
Telephone: | 0049 721 – 55 11 15 |
Fax | 0049 721 – 57 05 02 5 |
E-Mail: | |
Doctor of gynaecology and obstetrics
Established since 01.10.1993
Doctor of gynaecology and obstetrics, awarded by the county medical board Baden-Württemberg/Nordwürttemberg on the 1st August 1991
Additional title homeopathy county medical board Nordbaden on the 02.02.2000
Member of the country medical board Baden-Württemberg
Responsibility: country medical board Baden-Württemberg
General information in regard to the professional code and any further legal regulations about our professional behaviour:
Responsible authority: Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordbaden
1. Contents of the website
The contents of this website were written with due diligence and by the author’s best knowledge. We can be held liable only by general laws, especially for our own contents acc. § 7 TMG (German law on tele-media) and for external contents acc. §§ 8 – 10 TMG. As a Provider of tele-media we can be held liable for external contents only once we have knowledge of a concrete infringement of law. We reserve the right to change or delete contents of this webpage which are not subject to any contractual obligation.
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This disclaimer for websites was written by the law office of Viola Lachenmann,
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