IGeL-Leistungen (Individual Medical Care)

Many gynaecological offices offer services not covered by the general healthcare, so called individual medical care services (IGeL.) These services need to be paid for by the patient as an individual.

Note the following:

  • The general healthcare covers all cost for medically necessary care and treatments.
  • More services/treatments are not necessarily safer, sometimes they can lead to uncertainty, further checkups and unnecessary procedures. On the other hand, in individual cases, additional checkups and diagnostic measures can lead to peace of mind and relief. Every woman has her individual security needs.

The Procedures in detail:

The fees are based on the GOÄ (Private fee organization for doctors.)
→ Optional services for early cancer detection screenings
→ Optional services gynaecology
→ Optional services prenatal care

→ How to use IGel?

1. Optional services for early cancer detection screenings

Optional services for early cancer detection screenings:
The early cancer detection screenings for women 20 and up include: Palpitation of the uterus and ovaries as well as a Pap test (cervical smear.) From 30 onwards a breast scan is added, from 50 rectum scanning and stool test and from 55 onwards an coloscopy is offered. Ultrasound of uterus and ovaries are not part of the early cancer detection screening. Studies so fare have not shown, that statistically this additional treatment aids in the early detection of cancer. Although for the individual woman this procedure can still be effective and useful for her peace of mind.
Fee: € 35,-

Immunbilogical stool test:
Starting at 50 years the general healthcare covers a annual stool test for the early detection of colorectal cancer. From 56 an additional coloscopy is offered (to be repeated after then years.) Alternatively the general healthcare covers a stool test every two years.

Additionally there is a immunbilogical rapid test for detecting blood in stool, it is easier to handle and does not require side stream sampling. The test is more sensitive in the detection of blood. It is not paid for by the general healthcare.
Fees: € 35,-

2. Optional services gynaecology

Insertion of hormone inclusive intrauterine device
Copper IUD (intrauterine device): € 220,-
IUD (intrauterine device) with progestogen: € 360,-
Gynefix: € 310,-
IUB: € 320,-

Insertion of Implanon:
Implanon € 340,-

Fitting of the diaphragm:
€ 40,-

Ultrasound IUD (intrauterine device):
The correct placement of the IUD within the uterus can be determined via ultrasound. The check-up within in the first year of insertion is free of charge, every additional check-up is not. Further check-ups are useful every 6-12 months.
Fees: € 20,-

3. Optional services prenatal care

The three maternity guideline required ultrasounds are enough to judge the development of the child. If there is a suspicion of fetal malformation or developmental delay, the general healthcare will cover any necessary additional special ultrasounds.

First trimester/NT-Procedure (Nuchal scan)
Within the 11th to the 14th pregnancy week the combination of a specialized ultrasound check-up and laboratory results can offer a risk assessment for certain congenital diseases the child might have. This procedure is generally not covered by the general healthcare. A thorough consultation is obligatory to discuss the procedures possibilities, restrictions and consequences.

Fees: € 127,- with blood test, only NT- Procedure € 61,-

Literature-Tipp: BZgA flyer: “Prenatal diagnosis – Information about consolation and help with questions about prenatal care.”

Noninvasive prenatal Test (NIPT)
NIPT is a DNA test on maternal blood to screen pregnancies for the most common fetal chromosome anomalies. The test gives a strong indication of whether the fetus is at high or low risk of having trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) or trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). It delivers results from as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. The test does not provide information on other rare or structurel chromosomal abnormalities. The test does not provide information on physical defects, such as heart or brain abnormalities and spina bifida, or fetal growth. It is therefore advisable that you still have ultrasound scan.
Fees ca. € 320,- (In some special cases this is covered by the general healthcare.)

Blood test
Antibody test for infections (e.g. Toxoplasmosis, Fifth Disease, Cytomegalovirus or Chickenpox) is not covered by the general healthcare.

After a toxoplasmosis infection the body retains toxoplasmosis antibodies and is protected from a further toxoplasmosis infection. Should it be evident that this protection is in place you can be relieved. If you do not have the antibodies it is important to be careful: No raw meat, no contact with cat faeces, garden work only with gloves etc.

In this case preliminary check-ups would be useful every 8-10 weeks. Because, despite all the precautions, should an infection take place, measures can be taken to protect the child and prevent deformations.

Fees: € 26 – 42,-

4. How to use IGel?

If you are offered additional check-ups for payment you should ask the following questions:

  • Why is this not covered by the general healthcare?
  • What do I gain from this?
  • Which consequences will occur if the test is positive?

If you are uncertain do take the time to think on it. There is no time pressure – After all you are not in need to treatment! Remember all necessary check-ups and treatments for diseases and complaints are completely covered by the general healthcare!